Maine State Laws
Below is a document you may download that summarizes the various Maine State Laws that pertain to cemeteries. It was last updated in October 2020.
These are other documents pertaining to the State of Maine:
Data, Research, and Vital Statistics (powerpoint)
Stakeholder Group Report
Below is the report to the Joint Standing Committees from the Stakeholder Group for the Development of a Plan for the Inventory and Proper Care of Veterans’ Graves.
Membership dues shall be established by the Executive Committee and published at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. A majority vote of the Membership at the Annual Meeting will approve any change.
The Annual Meeting registration fee will be set by the Executive Committee. The amount is to be stated on the notice of the meeting and payable to the Treasurer at the meeting which it covers.
Anyone who neglects to pay dues and membership fees shall be automatically suspended as a member if payment is not received by the Treasurer within 60 days of billing. A suspended member may be reinstated to membership in good standing by the payment of the amount due the Association.
The Membership Committee shall consist of three members to be appointed by the President. They are to report a the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting, the President may, if three or more members request, appoint an Auditing Committee to consist of two active members, who shall examine the books, accounts and vouchers of the Secretary-Treasurer, at the end of the year, or at any time upon request of the President.
Public statements written or oral may by the President must be reviewed and authorized by the Executive Committee. This may be done in advance or in emergency situations, by telephone.
Amended October 1989.
Code of Ethics
Cemetery administration, private or public, is a service-oriented endeavor; therefore, it is our obligation to conduct business in a fair, open and honest manner always within the law and never with deception, untruthfulness, or contempt.
Acknowledging death care as one of the serious requirements an individual must deal with in their life, we pledge to conduct our business with honor and dignity to the dead, and with sensitivity, understanding and thoughtfulness to the living.
We acknowledge the trust, both private and public, that rests in our care to maintain our cemeteries as honorable, dignified memorials maintained neatly and with order in perpetuity.
Code of Ethics Review
Perceived breach of ethics leveled at a member in writing, but the public, other business or other member, will be reviewed by a Committee appointed by the President and, upon consensus that said member knowingly or negligently breached the code, this Committee will recommend appropriate action by the membership. This may be no action, a written reprimand or expulsion from the Association. Written notification will be sent to all members.
This organization shall be known as the Maine Cemetery Association.
The goals of the Association shall be the advancement of good, ethical cemetery management, and the free exchange of ideas between the Association’s members.
The Association shall consist of three (3) classes of members. These shall be regular members, associate members, and honorary members. Regular members shall be those who are actively engaged in the management or supervision of a Maine cemetery. They shall have the right to vote, be eligible to hold office, and pay association dues. Applicants for this class membership must have a minimum of 6 months experience and must be sponsored by a regular member. Associate members shall be those who are engaged in an allied industry or profession. They shall pay association dues, but shall have no vote nor be eligible to hold office. Applicants for this class membership must also be sponsored by a regular member. Applications for regular or associate membership must be approved by the Membership Committee and shall be persons whom the Membership Committee deems worthy of this distinction. Honorary members shall have no vote and shall not be subject to dues.
Annual meeting will be held in the fall of the year and at these meetings sufficient time will be allocated to conduct the business of the Association; including election of officers, Secretary/Treasurers Report and any other business pertinent to the Association. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Officers are to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting in the fall, and shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting; they are to serve for two (2) years. The officers and the two most recent Past Presidents and (3) Directors (for a 1 year, 2 year and 3 year terms) shall comprise the Executive Committee. This Committee shall be responsible for the general management of the Association.
A newsletter is to be published four times a year informing members of the results of elections, votes on policy, Executive Committee Meetings and any information pertinent to the membership. The President shall be held accountable for the production of this newsletter. The responsibility may be delegated by the President.
This constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of those voting members present at the annual business meeting; proposed amendments to be borne on the notice calling the meeting. Seven members shall constitute a quorum.
Amended October 2004.